Feb 19, 2021Liked by Jim Cownie

The AArch64/MacOS conventions are those of AArch64/iOS, a little known system that the author can be forgiven for not knowing about :-). I suspect the place where the overhead of calling variadic functions actually matters is in things like objc_msgSend which may well occur in computationally significant portions of code.

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You may be correct for the cases you have tried, but there are other cases where varadic and non-varadic functions are called differently on, I believe, a number of ISAs. For example on RISC-V all arguments to a varadic function are passed in integer registers, including floating point arguments.


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Clang can be told to compile for other targets, for example "-target arm64-apple-macosx" gives you this: https://godbolt.org/z/avGExz

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